Town Board Minutes – April 10, 2024

April 10, 2024
7:00 P.M.

The Town Board of the Town of Pavilion held the Regular Board meeting on April 10, 2024 at the Town Hall, One Woodrow Drive, Pavilion, New York 14525 at 7:00 pm Present were:

Supervisor James Thater                    

Councilperson John Rudgers                         

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                            

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz        

Others: Cindy Starr, James Cleveland, Marcia White, Jolene Coots, Jim Seiler & George Jinks

Following pledge to the Flag, Supervisor Thater opened the meeting at 7:02PM.

Highway-James Cleveland

Concrete work for Town Parking Lot and Woodrow Drive repairs.

Veley Masonry & Concrete                $16,660.00

Brandon Beil                                       $16,500.00

Highway-John Rudgers

Opening day for baseball May 4, 2024, there will be a parade.

Sewer- Donald Oberlin – James Thater

Sewer project final engineering completed and sent to DEC for approval.

Code Enforcement-Kenneth Steinmetz -no report

Water -Dean Davis – no report

Councilperson Steinmetz offered a motion, seconded by Supervisor Thater

Resolution No 39, 2024: ARPA Allocation money.

RESOLVED: Allocate balance of ARPA funds for Town Parking lot, Woodrow Drive, and concrete repair project.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0 Aye). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Supervisor Thater offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis

Resolution No 40, 2024: Parking Lot Concrete Work

RESOLVED: Approve quote from Brandon Beil for parking lot concreate work in the amount of $16,500.00.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0 Aye). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Rudgers

Resolution No 41, 2024: Town Audit

RESOLVED: Approve quote from Mengel, Metzger, Barr & Co. for town audit in the amount of $6,500.00

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0 Aye). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Steinmetz offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis

Resolution No 42, 2024: Town Insurance

RESOLVED: Approve insurance renewal for 2023-2024 with Lawley Insurance Co. amount $28,921.98.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0 Aye). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Supervisor Thater offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Rudgers

Resolution No 43, 2024: Traffic Trailer Contract Service

RESOLVED: Approve service contract for traffic trailer with All Traffic Solution in the amount of $1,500.00

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0 Aye). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz to approve the March 13, 2024 regular and organizational meeting minutes.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0 Aye). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz to authorize the clerk to draw a warrant on the supervisor to pay bills. General $23,848.54 T&A $31942.41; Sewer; $33,992.89, Highway; $42,237.59, Water $141.22

TOTAL $132,162.65

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis to

Approve March 2024 operating statement, bank reconciliation & clerk report.

Approved by unanimous vote (4-0 Aye). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor James Thater                     Aye

Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye

Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Absent

Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Kenneth Steinmetz     Aye

Councilperson Rudgers made a motion seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz at 8:23PM for executive session.

Councilperson Davis made a motion seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz at 8:44PM to return to regular meeting.

Councilperson Davis made a motion at 8:44 PM to adjourn the meeting seconded by Councilperson Steinmetz. Voting all ayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucinda Starr