Town Board Minutes 9/13/2023

September 13, 2023
7:00 P.M.

The Town Board of the Town of Pavilion held the Regular Board meeting on September 13, 2023 at the Town Hall, One Woodrow Drive, Pavilion, New York 14525 at 7:00 pm Present were:

Supervisor Robert LaPoint
Councilperson John Rudgers                         
Councilperson Donald Oberlin          
Councilperson James Thater              
Councilperson Dean Davis                

Others: James Cleveland, George Jinks, Todd Hackett

Following pledge to the Flag, Deputy Supervisor LaPoint opened the meeting at 7:00PM

Report –Highway-James Cleveland

  • Shoulder work will begin soon and continue through September
  • Paving is finished and roadside mowing will begin soon
  • The county ice and snow payment for 2024 has been increased to $165,435.84
  • The county mowing payment for 2024 has been increased to $6,657.00
  • The highway department will purchase a new sander from George and Swede who had the low bid
  • The highway department would like to explore grants for a new salt building in 2024

Highway-John Rudgers – no report

Sewer- Donald Oberlin – The new lift station shed should start framing in October.

Code Enforcement-James Thater – A new commercial sign at Linwood and Route 20 needs approval

Water -Dean Davis – no report

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Thater

RESOLUTION # 67 of 2023: Dissolution of the Hollwedel Memorial Library

BE IT RESOLVED: The Town Board approves of the dissolution of the Hollwedel Memorial Library, a town public library chartered by the Regents, and the transfer of the assets and collections of the Library to the Hollwedel Memorial Public Library of Pavilion, NY, a school district public library chartered by the Regents to serve the residents of the Pavilion Central School District on December 14, 2021.

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, the Town of Pavilion supports the Hollwedel Memorial Library’s application for dissolution and looks forward to services being provided by the Hollwedel Memorial Public Library of Pavilion, NY, as a school district public library.

Approved by vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor Robert LaPoint                 Aye
Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye
Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye
Councilperson James Thater               Aye
Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson LaPoint offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Thater

RESOLUTION # 68 of 2023: Resolution in Remembrance of J. Randolph (Randy) Starr

WHEREAS, it is with heavy hearts and deep sorrow that we pay tribute to the memory of J. Randolph (Randy) Starr, a beloved member of our community and past employee of the Town of Pavilion;

WHEREAS, Randy, in his role as a snowplow wingman, braved the harshest winter storms to ensure the safety of our roads, and worked as a grounds employee as well as the transfer station in assistance of our community;

WHEREAS, Randy Starr was not only a dedicated and hardworking employee but also a compassionate friend and neighbor, always ready to lend a helping hand and share a warm smile with those he encountered;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Pavilion expresses its profound gratitude and deepest condolences to the family and friends of Randy Starr,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that we shall forever cherish the memory of Randy Starr and the legacy of service, integrity, and kindness that he leaves behind.

Approved by vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor Robert LaPoint                 Aye
Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye
Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye
Councilperson James Thater               Aye
Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Rudgers offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis


RESOLVED, The Town Board of The Town of Pavilion approves and authorizes the supervisor to execute a contract for bookkeeping services with Baldwin BBS for 2024 in the amount of $11,500 and Payroll services in the amount of $2,500

Approved by vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor Robert LaPoint                 Aye
Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye
Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye
Councilperson James Thater               Aye
Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

The following information was relayed to the town board by supervisor LaPoint:

The NBRC grant written for water district 7 was unsuccessful.  Jeff Smith of Municipal Solutions has some strategies that may help with a new application for the same grant next year.

2024 workers compensation rates have been released and the town will pay $4,375.00

Supervisor LaPoint cannot attend the 9/21/23 GAM meeting so Councilperson Oberlin will represent Pavilion at that meeting.

The 2024 tentative budget is complete and will be distributed to board members next week.

Councilperson Oberlin offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Davis to approve the August 9, 2023 regular meeting minutes.

Approved by vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor Robert LaPoint                 Aye
Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye
Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye
Councilperson James Thater               Aye
Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Oberlin to authorize the clerk to draw a warrant on the supervisor to pay bills. General $38,170.02, T&A $44,606.79, Sewer; $83,893.43, Highway; $126,130.40, Capital; $ 908.42Water District #7; $690.00;

TOTAL $294,399.06

Approved by vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor Robert LaPoint                 Aye
Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye
Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye
Councilperson James Thater               Aye
Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Davis offered a motion, seconded by Councilperson Oberlin to Approve Aug 2023 operating statement, bank reconciliation & clerk report.

Approved by vote (5-0). Voting was as follows:

Supervisor Robert LaPoint                 Aye
Councilperson John Rudgers              Aye
Councilperson Donald Oberlin           Aye
Councilperson James Thater               Aye
Councilperson Dean Davis                 Aye

Councilperson Thater made a motion at 7:35PM to adjourn the meeting seconded by Councilperson Davis Voting all ayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucinda Starr